Animal Welfare, Wildlife & Firearms

We have particular expertise in countryside-related criminal and regulatory matters, such as animal welfare, wildlife crime, firearms, and other legislation. We regularly act for  individuals, farms, hunts, shooting estates and other rural businesses facing allegations and charges under the following:

  • Animal Welfare Act 2006
  • Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
  • Hunting Act 2004
  • Protection of Badgers Act 1992
  • Firearms Act 1968
  • The Environmental Protection Act 1990
  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

We also have extensive experience acting on behalf of clients wishing to appeal against licensing decisions in relation to firearms, including revocations, refusals to grant and refusals to vary certificates.

We act only for privately funded clients and all criminal and regulatory cases will be handled by a senior and experienced solicitor.

Meet the team

Tim Ryan

"Tim Ryan is in our opinion, by far the most experienced Wildlife and Firearms legislation Solicitor practicing in England and Wales at the current time. We have been using his services on behalf of our client’s Estates and their keepers, for very many years and with exceptional results. Tim is unusual having been a Barrister and is now a Solicitor. He gives outstanding advice on all aspects of Wildlife and Firearms Law and in these fields, he cannot be bettered."

Mark Osborne, Chartered Surveyor

Tim Ryan is notable for specialising in rural crime and regulatory defence work. His broad caseload includes representing those accused of firearms, wildlife and animal welfare offences.

Chambers & Partners

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